Sora Nhasni

"I do not know what deflower means, and my friends laugh when i try to ask. It's a delicate process to preserve a herd or flower but when i tell them this, they just laugh harder..."

Flavor: Simulacrum/Tainted Soul
Age: Appears 23-24
Gender: He/Him [FtM]
Role: Management/Dancer/Bouncer
Preference: Male leaning but doesn't mind talking to everyone


Greetings: Hey there, Sora Nhasni at your service. I'm a dancer here at Juniors but if needed I'll also do a bouncer's job to insure everyone has a great time. If you wish to book me or have any questions just let me know.About Being a Cabbit: A cabbit? I guess that's a cute way to say what i am. I'm honestly a viera simulacrum with some... alterations due to my former true body that was miqote. I had struggled to keep my balance when i first started retraining my body and the, um let's say the spirit inside, thought of bringing back my tail and sure enough i was feeling much better.About Knowledge: I like to think i've come a long way in terms of knowledge. I've read so many books, studied endless hours on magic arts and now I'm here havinga great time with friends and patrons alike. There's only some things i don't understand and that's the use of some words. My sister says I'm more book smart than street smart. I don't think i 100% get that.About Kalsah: Lady Kalsah is a very kind person. I admire her skills and she's very much inspiring me to strengthen my own skills. She's very approachable and we could probably talk for hours if we weren't working. Other than that, her origin and other talents are something I'd like to study and learn more, with proper permission. She's like an elder sister. Just... not as violent like my true sister. -He chuckled nervously-About Vel: Vel? Ah yes he's also a good person. um. incubus? Though he has yet to 'trance' me or whatever succubus/incubus do. I am quite comfortable with him. Actually now thinking about it there was the time he was possibly flirting and I felt my ears start burning... Anyways! He's also quite the lightweight which is adorable for a man of his height and physique. Just, uh, be careful when he gives you a drink. He won't drug you but you may leave more intoxicated than you believe. If he gives you any problems, let me know and I'll deal with him personally.About Alistair: oh Ali~ a genius of his field. He's the one that managed to put my soul in this body, I'm forever indebted to him for the numerous times he's saved me out of his own accord. We tend to spend quite some time together now and again. Rather be in silent company, working on research, having tea or .... uh, wait, one is more private. We're not together or anything! We're, um, just close -flustered nervous laugh-About Siblings: My siblings Kam and Ona are twins of the Arulaq Tribe in the Azim Steppes. Both very protective in their own ways and have a curse placed on them from two different voidsents. I don't mind, they're still my siblings and I love them regardless. Their both very kind once you get to know them... uh don't tell them I said that.Favorite Food/Drink: Oh food? Now a days I'm not too picky. Anything with meat and full of flavor will be great. As for drink... I'm fond of tea on a daily basis, Chai is my most preferredLeast Favorite Food/Drink: Spicy food and drinks... It's not the burning sensation it's just my body will hate me for it.Something Interesting: I have overly sensitive ears so when I go out to venues I have to make sure to take a special medication to less effects of sensory overload. I can still hear as precisely as normal just no headache. Speaking of sensitivity... um.. please becareful of my ears or tail. I feel like a mess if they get touched too much.. -sigh-

The Magus' TomeFrom the Scale's Eyes

As the saying goes, "Do not judge a book by it's cover." applies to the young mage all too well. His life is still ahead of him although his experience counts for more than people can imagine for one like him.My beloved son hold many secrets in his young mind, from conjering healing magics to aid as well as dark magic to harm. His first death came too swiftly; a foolish attempt to quell his sister's anger led him to me by his brother, barging that if I returned him, he would be my vessel so I may still exist in this shard. I accepted, at first thinking I would take over and rule again over my lands. Fate had other plans and I now treasure our bond and I will protect him with what powers I have left.He was once not for violence, in fact, he was always the strategist in finding way to avoid conflict or if unavoidable, would come with plans to minimize the damage.What changed?Like other kind and gentle souls, he was taken advantage of. Rivaling tribes, old friends that used his position of power, empty lies. One stood out that tipped him over the edge. A dear friend, his first friend upon arriving to Eorzea, Caia Fumetsu has betrayed him. From what I understood, they were inseparable. He would always feel so at ease with her regardless of his shy nature. A true 'best friend' as they say. I remember, I was at least there for that day. We had rid of her excuse of a father that had tried to take her back to Garlean. We killed him, it was not his first time taking a life but it was the first time he felt no remorse over it. My Son fell ill from over exhaustion and if it wasn't for this stranger that were friends with the Amalj'ans he may not have survived. He felt indebted for his life saved by this stranger. His name was Alistair Leveque, and he was to become another close acquaintance of my child. As his for beloved friend, she decided to stay with her father and join him. That broke my Sora, he gave everything to ensure she would be safe, that man was not natural, cruel and evil intends, and we all knew too well. Yet she joined him. My beloved Son, how fate is too cruel for a soul like yours.Time passed after that woman left, he never talks about her, closed himself off from the world and drowned himself in his magic studies and research for different medicines he created for himself or his other companions. At the time he barely spoke to his Arulaq siblings for they had moved on from the betrayal and made their own lives. He was happy for them, though the smile only painted a thin wall in the void in his heart. The pain eased as he only had the company of Alistair, a new friend. He was hesitant, scared. The older man was also Garlean but he betrayed his countrymen and left so he says, it did not ease the fear but he tried. The relationship they had blossomed to a close partnership. Assisting each other in their own research, taking trips to forbidden libraries, and would sometimes would go on small casual outings. No commitments, always casual. My son's void was smaller but still there.It only grew as he began to lose his sanity, it was not due to me living within him taking it's toll; it was an incident that lead to his second, and I prayed, his final demise.The War of Bozja was not a hidden event. It was well known on the eastern half of the shard. Sora along with another close friend, Ever'ard joined the fray. My son had no business about the war itself, rather who was participating in said war. His birth father an hrothgar named Zainin, whom Sora believe was long gone, was reported fighting in the war. An au'ra who left the steppes long ago, knew Sora and told him about the man that fit the description he was told all those years ago. My son's heart was filled with such hope, such determination. Ever'ard could not, in good faith, let his friend whom he sees as a a younger brother go alone. In the end, Sora had wish he was alone.The scales of fate continued torment my child. The reunion, was overwhelming and exciting as it was, torn away from his heart. The Garleans abused the power of the Bozjan's Queen and she enthralled everyone that stood in her way. She could not harm Ever'ard and Sora though, Ever'ard had his blessing from Hydealyn and Sora had me to protect him for you cannot enthrall the souls that belonged to another. Sora's father along with his brigade, however, turn their blades on the males. Sora in his anguish, called to me. He never does willingly. I step in to assist when I felt his life is threated or I offer. He was a shattering soul, the cracks spreading with every breath he took. Who was I to deny his plea... I took no pleasure to see him in such pain but that day, he cried out. Desperate, mourning, hysterical, he was not the same Son I took in years before. With my aide, we sent Ever'ard home and Sora proceeded to massacre the brigade with the use of my power. His final breath and to my surprise, he summoned my own scales and painted the battle field with my own quasars.His pale beautiful skin, turned a ashy tone. His eyes, like mine. silver but hazy, dead. Tears ran down, of blood and salty water. He took a moment to recount regrets before removing valuable items and crumbling to dust.The scales tilted again to favor him, with help from myself and another.He awoken months later, his body not his own. Still small, fragile. But his ears. Longer, sharper. His frame. Leaner. His tail. Gone? No a stub compared to his long slick and thick predecessor. He became what I only know as Viera. His close companion, Alistair had successfully made him a new body for his soul. A simulacrum body. The body was modified and customized to Sora. He could feel, eat, and drink only needing rest or aether sources to substance us both. I wanted better for my child so I reached out and convinced the Garlean to take on the project. He succeeded.His training was harder than before, relearning his body, his magic, down to simple tasks. He had a hard time at first, unable to keep his balance. I suspected it was due to the lack of the longer appendage behind him. So I took a night and put him into a deep sleep and I altered his body. He seemed grateful. Seemed. His eyes are still dull, as if he's still dead. He remained quiet, hidden, throughout the first few months. His siblings and friends would have never known what happened and they probably never will anytime soon. He needed time and I'm more than honored to give him the time.As fortune has it, he slowly reclaimed his mind. His gentle, soft soul was blooming. Our bond was stronger that before. At first he expressed he wished to have not been saved a third time, those thoughts left after much need time meditating and long conversation with Alistair. He swore to take this lease on life and live it as carefree as he wished, continuing what he did before but with more care and more determined to venture forward and explore more of the shard.I can never express how much this child, my beloved son, has affected me. Appreciation in all forms of love and life. Somethings I wouldn't have experienced properly in days of old. I couldn't have asked for a better Son.My beloved Sora, my son, know that I will proud of you as your birthparents would have been. Take these experiences, the pain, the love, the lives you've lived and continue to walk. The world has so much to still show you and I would like to be by your side to see it with you.